One man’s junk is another man’s treasure

get in touch

High Quality

Top Brands

Well Established

Do you need some quality furniture?

Have you just bought that brand new house and you need to fill it on a budget? Is your dinner table too small and you need something bigger for that growing family?

The Cash Exchange has a wealth of furniture on offer – from sofas and beds, to tables and dressers – and it is all available at a knockdown price. So don’t pay big money when you don’t have to!

Are you selling furniture?

Have you recently decorated and now that coffee table looks slightly out of place? Maybe your two children have outgrown each other and the bunk bed is no longer needed?

The Cash Exchange is the perfect place to offload your unwanted furniture and make some money at the same time. So if you’re selling furniture, call the Cash Exchange and we’ll give you a fair deal.

So get yourself down to the Cash Exchange and we can give you hard cash for mobiles and other electrical goods today!

What we take

Tables & chairs


Sofas and armchairs

Dressers, sideboards and bedside tables

TV units


And more!!

Bought a new sofa? Need to get rid of the old one. Get some cash for it today and call the Cash Exchange
01594 843 377